HH Swamiji Inaugurated Sri Sankarshan Kund and 27 Feet Sankarshan Bhagavan Vigrah at Govaradhana Giri dham near Brundhavan Dham, in Utthar Pradesh State on 5th October 2017, Raas Poornima which is very very auspiciuosu day.
On the very request of Sriman Vineeth Narayana ji, President of Vraj Foundation, HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji came all the way from Hyderabad to inauguarate Sri Sankarshan Kund. Previously it was filled with garbage and drainage. On behalf of Vraj Foundation, Smn. Vineeth Narayana ji took it as challange and renovated very nicely the whole place. On behalf of HH Swamiji, Sriman Dr. J. Rameswar Rao garu, Chairman for JIVA and MY HOME Industries donated a lot for the renovation of Sri Sankarashan Kund. Smn. Madhusudanacharya, Yajnacharya Swami with his team conducted the program well with the divine mangalasasanams of HH Swamiji. HH Sri Ramachandra Jeeyar Swamiji also were present on this auspicious occasion.
In the evening HH Swamiji witnessed the dance balley of Sri Krishna Raas Leela Mahothsav beautifully composed by Smn. Thakoor ji.
Many of devotees came from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamilnadu and Karnataka to participate in this divine event in Divine Land of Lord Krishna.
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Source: MandasaTemple-Chinnajeeyar
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