Bhagavad Vishayam – Who can understand what lies in the depths of a sea? One who used a ship to sail or one who dives in?If one wants to experience the greatness of Bhagavad Vishayam, one needs to dive into it fully by learning it

‘Questions, Talents, Respects, Invites – Visitors pour in to see HH Swamiji’Several visitors are dropping in to JIVA asram to seek blessings, pay respects, ask questions, seek guidance, invite, or listen

Bhagavad Vishayam – Can a soul be seen with our eyes? Is that possible?We hear at times that some people meditate and see their soul or energy source travel from within their body

Bhagavad Vishayam – Do we accept Bhagavad Githa because it is said by Sri Krushna or is there any other reason? Read on to know the answer!Lakhs and lakhs of people across the world accept and read Bhagavad Githa. Is it because it was said by

Bhagavad Vishayam – Why should anyone think beyond this body? We all wonder about what exactly is the reason to think beyond this body. Is it necessary? Can we

Pramanam is something that helps in perceiving knowledge. What are the types of Pramanam that exist? Brief excerpt of today’s discourse: Knowledge that is perceived through sensory organs is called ‘Pratyaksha Pramanam’. For example: Knowledge



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Source: MandasaTemple-Chinnajeeyar
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