Lord on Vijayakiladri celebrated His 40th day Birthday today. Four Jeeyar Swamijis – HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji, HH Sri Ramachandra Jeeyar Swamiji, HH Sri Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji, HH Sri Devanattha Jeeyar Swamiji offered abhishekam to the Lord who appeared in different incarnations in 8 temples on Vijayakiladri Hills. As if thrilled by the His bath, the skies opened up and rains cooled the whole atmosphere after the program.
The program began with 25 kalasas abhishekam by Devanattha Jeeyar Swamiji to Lord in Vaikunta nattha Temple, Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, Sri Sudarsana Temple, Sri Rama Chandra Temple and Vishwaksena Alwars, while Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji offered abhishekam to Lord Krishna and Varaha Swami Temple. Abhishekam was offered with 108 kalasas to Lord Si Venkateswara Swami by HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji.
Speaking on this occasion, HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji explained the significance of Mandalabhishekam. “ Lord made this Hill His abode hundreds of years ago. Later, for some reason he went off on a trip on his Vimana. Again in 1960`s, Lord showed His presence through Hanuman. After recognizing the Lord’s presence, a few devotees under the guidance of HH Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji built a temple on the foothills of Vijayakiladri and build steps to go up the hill. They could have developed the temples too but for some reason, they did not proceed further. This gave us an opportunity and we are highly blessed to build the abode for the Lord. Lets pay our gratitude to that compassionate Lord. Today is the 42nd day and Lord enjoyed his abhishekam and gave word to all of in front of the elders that He will take care of us. Let us do our part in protecting Him.”
Sri Ramachandra Jeeyar Swamiji encouraged the devotees to speed up the construction of Ashtalakshmi temple. Also, HH encouraged everyone to come forward and install Bhagavad Ramanujacharya by sponsoring 5 lakhs per foot. Five devotees came forward today to contribute for the vigraham.
Sri Devanattha Jeeyar Swamiji blessed the devotees and stressed that one should do good deeds during their lifetime. Ahobila Jeeyar Swamji also encouraged the devotees to take ownership and aim to complete the construction of Sri Ramanujacharya vigraham by November.
HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji appreciated HH Ramachandra Jeeyar Swamiji for initiating the project. HH quoted Swe:tha Swe:thara Upanishad which mentions, “ To get the grace of Lord, we need to be blessed by Mother. And to get the grace to Mother, we need to be under the protective shade of Acharya”. That acharya is Bhagavad Ramanujacharya. Let us all pray and do our part on occasion of Ramanuja Sahasrabdi – 1000 years celebration of His birth anniversary.
Later all the devotees gathered in Yagasala to receive Eeravadi – abhishekam theerdham from HH Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji from all temples, ‘Manju Kapu’- turmeric applied to Lord and oil – Lord’s divine body se:sham was distributed to all devotees. Devotees were provided different prasadams throughout the program. The program concluded with thadiyaradhana in Sitanagaram Asramam.
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